This is my first time writing a post like this, but I’m doing my best to keep it as entertaining and interesting as possible! Every week, I will post a new “Week of Flufferwuffer”, just to keep my readers updated on various events and reflections happening in my life. Honestly, I don’t know why you’d want to read about me, but I figured it would be a great way for the readers to get to know me a little more.
Really quickly, I’d like to point out my new “About Me” page. When I started blogging, I was going to make a point to remain as anonymous as possible, but I’ve done away with that. My name is Chelsea Fetch. You can find out more about me by visiting the new page. Oh, here’s my mug, if you’d like to see it…
For this post, I’d like to start the series off by outlining a few different goals I’ve set for myself. You can call them New Years Resolutions if you want, but I’m not doing this just because the year has changed. It’s more about me.
- Learn how to knit
more than just lopsided scarves - Learn about computer programming/more about coding
- More creative baking projects
- Spend more time writing/improve writing
All of these, in some way or another, are geeky or nerdy. Trust me. May not seem like it now, but as I write more posts from week to week, everything will become clear. If any of you reading this think you can help me with any of those, just let me know. I need mentors!
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