
Friday, February 25, 2011

Fans Helping Nathan Fillion Buy Rights to Firefly *Updated*

**UPDATE** Edit: Since this post is becoming pretty popular, I thought I should point out to anyone reading that I was not condoning, by any means, that someone give their money to this movement.  It should also be pointed out that Nathan Fillion himself told fans to not donate money.  The thought of him owning Firefly or the show starting back up is kind of nice, but the reality is that it most likely will not happen.  So don’t be throwing your money away.  OKAY?!


Captain Yes, you heard me right! If you are a diehard Firefly fan, you may have heard/read Nathan Fillion reply in an interview when asked if he would act as Captain Mal again, “If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the first thing I would do is buy the rights to Firefly, make it on my own, and distribute it on the Internet.”

The short story is, fans took him serious!  So now, there is this website out there called “Help Nathan Buy Firefly”.  They aren’t taking actual donations, just pledges.  After a week, they have over 70,000 pledgers! 

Obviously, though, the chance is very slim that even if there were enough people to raise the money Nathan would actually buy the rights to Firefly, or that 20th Century Fox would be willing to sell the rights.  Most fans think Nathan was just joking in the interview.  Fans started the website and are pledging more for the idea of it, and to get the higher-ups to realize how much us geeks and nerds absolutely worship adore Firefly (I don’t know.  Maybe you do worship it?).

Firefly Full Cast

You can read more about the reality of what buying the rights to the show would take by reading this article on

So what do you think?  Are you going to pledge to the site?  Would you love Firefly to be back on the air, too?



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