
Thursday, March 31, 2011

What If…Dr. Seuss Created Star Wars?

We geeks take Star Wars for granted.  Don’t we?  I mean, would the Geek World be so big without George Lucas’ brilliant idea?  Would you be a geek without Star Wars and the various spinoffs and rip-offs? 

Now that I’ve got you thinking about that, here’s a new idea to add into the mix.  Would Star Wars be the same if it was thought up by someone other than George Lucas?  Well, cartoonist Adam Watson thought that very thing.  More specifically, he thought, what would Star Wars be like if Dr. Seuss had the idea first?

Here are some of the results:

Dr. Seuss Star Wars by Adam Watson

Dr. Seuss Star Wars by Adam Watson

Dr. Seuss Star Wars by Adam Watson

Dr. Seuss Star Wars by Adam Watson


Would you read this Dr. Seuss story to your geekling?

[via Bit Rebels]


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