
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Get More Traffic With Entrecard!

Entrecard is my most recent addiction.  To be honest, I don’t even remember how I found out about it; I might have seen it on another blog, but since joining I’ve discovered that many blogs I follow already have Entrecard and I never noticed before.

What is it?
Entrecard is an “online business card” that you use to advertise your blog for FREE.
How does it work?
  Basically, you sign up and put the Entrecard "button" on your site (you can see mine on the right has the yellow bar with the "E" in the corner). 
You start out with a certain number of credits.  Credits are "currency" you use to advertise on other peoples' blogs.  The amount of credits it costs for you to advertise on other blogs and what it costs for others to advertise on your blog varies by demand.  The more people who want to advertise on a blog, the more credits it costs.
So, you simply go around and find blogs you'd like to advertise on and purchase an ad with your credits.  Others will "pay" to advertise on your blog, too!  You also have the option to decline an advertisement if it isn't relevant to your blog!
 Then, to earn more credits, you "drop" on other sites.  Basically, this is just going to their blog and clicking on that yellow bar under their Entrecard.  You get 1 credit for every drop, and can drop 300 times a day (you also get credits for people running ads on your blog)!
And the best part is it's all totally FREE!

Since I started using Entrecard I get a lot more traffic to my site.  Granted, a lot of the traffic are people just "dropping" on my site, but I have gained a few valuable readers, and I've also found many fantastic blogs out there.

I hope you decide to check it out!
Click Here to get started on Entrecard! 

And guess what? If you sign up, let me know and I'll buy an advertisement for your blog right off the bat to get you started!


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