
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Disqus and Triscuits

Okay, there are no Triscuits.  I just said that to entice you.  It worked, didn’t it? 

Well, I just wanted to inform my readers that instead of using Blogger’s typical comment form, I’ve switched it Disqus.  So far, I absolutely love it, and I hope you do too.  I’ve noticed already that I’ve been getting more comments and more interaction (whether that’s because Disqus rocks or because my posts are more interesting), but I hope you all enjoy the new comment form. 

Another plus is that you are required to enter your e-mail, but it doesn’t show up with your comment.  This is good news because when I have giveaways, I don’t have problems with people not entering e-mails anymore, and you won’t be worried about plastering your e-mail address all over the internet.

You also have the option of leaving a “Reaction” instead of a comment, in case you can’t think of anything to say but still want to give feedback.  Think of it as “liking” on facebook instead of commenting.

I’m working on a way to number the comments on Disqus; I know it’s possible, I just have to figure the code out.  Until I figure that out, I hope you really enjoy Disqus!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to remind all of you that I’m on facebook and twitter.  You can also subscribe to receive e-mails from me or subscribe to my RSS feed.  All the links are to the right.  So please take advantage of them if you haven’t already!


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