
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kinect Kicks Wii’s Ass!

All right, this is going to be a quick post, so I’m not going to back this up with articles, pictures, or videos.

Seriously, Kinect is awesome.  The first day we got it (November 4th), BigJones and I played for at least 4 hours.  We don’t have any games for it other than Kinect Adventures, the game it comes with, but it was so fun.

I am so glad we opted to get Kinect rather than getting a Wii. Granted, I’ve only played the Wii a few times, but playing Wii Sports is absolutely nothing like Kinect Adventures.  There’s something about not having to hold a controller, jumping around on a raft, getting a workout, and actually having fun doing it that just blows Wii out of the water.

I cannot wait to get more games for Kinect, but that doesn’t mean we’re getting bored with Kinect Adventures.

The other thing I absolutely love about Kinect is the face recognition and voice commands.  I really hope that they integrate the voice commands throughout Xbox and Kinect games, so you can just say “Xbox, pause!” at any time while you’re playing to pause the game.  The face recognition is awesome; you just have to use Kinect ID a few times for it to recognize you in almost any lighting.  And it’s so awesome playing as your Xbox avatar.

So basically, Kinect is awesome.  If you don’t have an Xbox, I can see how it would be too expensive (4GB Xbox 360 + Kinect bundle is $300).  But if you have an Xbox 360, I don’t see how you would not want Kinect.  Unless, of course, you hate moving around while having fun, or breaking a sweat while gaming.  Sure, I’m not going to stop playing Halo or Red Dead Redemption, but Kinect is just damn fun.

Have any of you tried Kinect?  I’d love to hear what you think!


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