That is, until my boyfriend introduced me to J!NX! When I first met him, BigJones’ shirt closet was exclusively J!NX. Mostly, he wore this skeleton shirt, and a lot of shirts with an iconic nerdy skull. I have never heard of J!NX before, but he wasted no time in informing me that he would only buy shirts from that online store. I’ve been browsing their site for gifts for him ever since. Then, with the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop (now closed, hope you entered!) coming up, I decided to contact them to see if they’d donate a gift certificate. When they said yes and ALSO offered to send me swag to review, I was thrilled!
The awesome Geekgods at J!NX were generous enough to give me a $30 gift code to pick a couple things from the site to review. Knowing BigJones would be furious if I didn’t get him something, I let him pick first, then I chose a stylish women’s shirt to review for myself. Here’s the results:
Durability. I already knew what to expect, here. As I mentioned before, BigJones has been a long-time fan of J!NX, having quite a collection when I met him almost 3 years ago. Guess what? He still has every shirt. Yes, every last one. And they’re all still in great condition. Sure, some of his shirts may have lost a little bit of luster (designs slightly faded and cracked, a few holes from wear and tear), but they are all totally wearable and still awesome. Just to prove it, here’s a pic I took of one of his shirts (which he got about 5 years ago), compared to the picture from the J!NX site:
Obviously, pretty durable! I know I can expect the shirts we just received to last for years.
Price. J!NX shirts can cost anywhere from $10 to $25. Normally, $25 can be pretty high for me, but considering they’ll last for years to come, they’re very affordable. With lots of sales and a $10 shirt section, which has a lot of cool styles I might add (that’s where I picked up my shirt!), they’re even more cost-friendly and effective. And as I’ll mention later, members have even more opportunities to save at J!NX.
Selection/Design. There are hundreds upon hundreds of designs available from J!NX. Whether you’re a gamer, D&D player, or just an internet aficionado, there are dozens of options that you’re sure to like. Though there are some designs I’m not a fan of, I’m bound to find at least 20 or so shirts I’d like after browsing for a few minutes. And J!NX is constantly adding new stuff, since they regularly hold design contests where fans submit their own designs. Browsing the women’s section, the only issue I have is that they are out of so many styles (which, I guess, is more of a problem of too many women who are J!NX fans!). There is always an option of getting an e-mail notification when a specific design and size are in stock, though!
Cool Other Stuffs. There are a few things other than T-shirts that are awesome about J!NX. First, they also offer things like dress shirts, pants/sweatpants, hoodies/sweatshirts, stickers, buttons, underwear, and lots more. Many of the dress shirts are really nice, and I’m
There’s also a forum on the site, where you can go to discuss…just about anything geektastic! I haven’t really looked around it all that much (mostly because I don’t have time!) but if that’s your thing, I’d take a look!
Lastly, if you become a member of J!NX, you have the opportunity to earn J!NX Gold and J!NX EXP. You earn points from making purchases, referrals, posting pics of you in your J!NX clothes, commenting, and more. J!NX Gold earns you real money to use on your purchases! 100 Gold = $1. J!NX EXP lets you earn additional things in the shop. For example, earning 950 EXP means you’ll earn 1% more J!NX Gold and J!NX EXP on orders and referrals, and earning 1500 gets you a free sticker pack.
The Bottom Line. I’ll definitely be shopping at J!NX again. And often. This is a site I’ve tested and trust; I know I can expect awesome shirts to express my nerdalicious ways.
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Disclaimer: I received a gift code from J!NX to make a purchase and review products. However, I received no other compensation and my review and any opinions expressed are my opinion and are 100% honest. I don’t blur the lines.
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