
Saturday, March 19, 2011

LvUrFR3NZ by Princeton [Song/Video]

My boyfriend first introduced me to this song, long before he got me into playing the Halo series.  We just started playing Halo: Reach after a long vacation from it, which caused this song to get stuck in my head as we rocked the house in Grifball.

I’m sure any gamer that enjoys first-person shooters can agree that this song is not only pretty awesome, but accurate, too.  Who doesn’t play Halo: Reach or Call of Duty: Black Ops for a chance to show off their controller mastery to their friends?  And what better way to do that than blowing off their heads?

Halo 3 Logo

Anyway, this song comes from the Halo 3 Soundtrack (which was an all-around good soundtrack).

Love it? Hate it? Let me know in the comments!


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